Folk remedies for the improvement of potency

To work even Folk remedies for the improvement of potency, act fast!

as for the improvement of the potency

A man's life is a constant struggle. So a strong half of mankind, the striving for superiority at the genetic level. The first — that means the best of all in everything: in work, and, of course, the love.

But sometimes due to some reasons, the male energy, and should handle as quickly as possible the return to traditional or medicine.

Methods for fast increase the potency at home

Quickly only an unconventional method does not affect the erectile function is possible to a lot of the violation of potency

It is only through the combination of opportunities the main goal of a good erection can.

Traditional medicine offers many means of influence on the male force. They are all divided in three groups:

  1. Influence on potency with food
  2. Recipes tinctures, tinctures, drinks, various medicinal plants, herbs
  3. Physiotherapy, increase potency
  4. Complex exercises to improve potency quickly

Food, fast the potency

An immediate result is not necessarily the drugstore, make use of the article with a variety of side effects, some of the food can very quickly have an impact on the state of erection.

Knowing people advised to have a romantic dinner, which gently turns into a intimacy, cooking, oysters , or mussels. These seafood contain stimulating potency of the substance, they are also used as aphrodisiacs. Quick increase in Libido and sustained erection, after such a dinner will be provided.

Ginger – a truly legendary plant. Does not lose its properties at any type of cooking. The positive effect on potency. Some wonderful recipes for the preparation of the drink:

  1. Recipe: you will Need milled on a grater fresh ginger – a couple of slices. The liquid mass is poured 250 ml of boiling water, infuse for 15 minutes. To taste (and sense), you can add honey.
  2. Recipe: Infusion of ginger in vodka. 1 kg of grated ginger poured 0.5 liters of vodka, mix thoroughly. 14 days in a dark place, periodically shaking. Drink 2-3 teaspoons before intercourse.
Jensen for the potency

Ginseng is called the root of love. You can find in the fresh state hard. But as a pharmacy tincture is not a Problem, but their effectiveness is only visible in the systematic recording.

To cook, a effective tincture of Ginseng need:

  1. Minced meat on a grater Ginseng-root – 3 tablespoons
  2. 70% alcohol — 250 ml
  3. You mix the ingredients, insist week in a dark place.
  4. You use 25 to 30 drops prior to the sexual intercourse.

The Infusion of Ginseng without alcohol, prepared as follows:

  1. 1 tablespoon of ground Ginseng root mash mixed with 200 gr of liquid honey.
  2. You leave for two weeks.
  3. Take 1 teaspoon before intercourse.

Very good effect will be added in the preparation of a drink from ginger, honey, with Ginseng.

Celery. And the roots and the herb are good for Libido and erections. Such salads in front of intimacy, prolongs erection, makes you more resilient, and improves the quality of sperm:

  1. Recipe: - 100 gr of celery and 1 green Apple and grind it on a grater, yogurt seasoning, to taste add honey.
  2. Recipe: 1 chopped celery and mix with 1 grated green Apple. In the mass of chopped nuts stir (you can all but the preference – walnuts, almonds, Cashew). At the station you can take natural yoghurt or linseed oil. To taste grains of flax.
  3. Recipe: 1 celery root, 1 small Kohlrabi, 1 green Apple and grind it on a grater, mix, seasoning, linseed oil, or natural yogurt.

The stomach of a camel – a little unusual delicacy. However, a very effective means for a quick boost of power. It is a piece the size of a grape, high-quality erection.

Eggs, such as chickens and quails are very useful for weak potency due to proteins and carbohydrates in the composition. Can't hurt 1 raw egg before sexual intimacy.

Nuts. To recommend to quickly reach a state of erections in front of intimacy, eat 1 teaspoon of the following mixture:

Nuts of cedar, almonds, walnuts, Cashew, hazelnuts, chop, pour honey to make a thick cream. Stored in the refrigerator. Also, it is recommended every day to prevent problems with male health.

White wine is part of their resources for a quick Stimulation potency.

  • You need a litre of white wine, 250 ml orange juice 100 ml of lemon juice, two tablespoons of liquid honey pour.
  • There's a couple of mint leaves, cardamom with a few pieces of cloves and cinnamon.
  • You put on a small fire and stir, drink to warm up, but do not boil.
  • Leave to cool in the fridge for a few days.
  • You drink 50 ml before the sexual intercourse.

Medicinal herbs and plants

Herbs for potency

The strengthening of the potency of folk remedies you can plant with the help of herbs and healing.

St. John's wort has been a rapid increase in the blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis and leads to an increased synthesis of testosterone, increase Libido, erection.

  1. Recipe: 2 tablespoons herb St. John's wort, pour the boiling water in an amount of 250 ml with lid, leave for half an hour. Should be drink three times per day before sexual intercourse.
  2. Recipe: 1 tablespoon of herb St. John's wort 100 ml of vodka was poured. Stir, leave in a dark place for a week. Eat 30-35 drops before the sexual intercourse.

Nettle – an excellent remedy for potency.

Useful for both the plant itself as well as its seeds and roots. Recipes for cooking with nettles for the rapid increase of a potentiality:

  1. Recipe: 1 tablespoon crushed roots of a nettle mix in a half a Liter of vodka, do not touch it in a dark place for a month. To – take 20-30 drops before sexual intimacy.
  2. Recipe: 1 teaspoon of seeds of the nettle folded together with green tea. You drink 30 minutes before the sexual intercourse.
  3. Recipe: 1 tablespoon of seed mix and a half a Liter of dry red wine, you can add liquid honey. 7 days not to touch a dark place. You drink a tablespoon before sexual intercourse.
  4. Recipe: 1 tablespoon of seeds of nettles to grind with a ripe banana. They eat the mixture, with the aim of prevention of sexual weakness.

Physical therapy to improve the potency fast

The aim of these methods is a rapid improvement in the circulation of blood in the whole body, but particularly in the genital area. In this case, help:

  1. Showers – not only to give courage and energy, but stimulates the production of testosterone. The male hormone turn raises the Libido and increase the male potential.
  2. A little shocking, but very effective. Before intercourse, you can apply ice, try that shook the towel to the genital area. This therapy causes expansion of blood vessels which prevent the blood flow to the Penis, eggs, that the erection.
  3. Mustard to the lower extremities and cause extra blood circulation in the lower half of the body, what is a positive effect on potency.

"A relaxing bath with the infusion of Laurel leaves enabled a good production of male hormones and increases the quality of your erections", — traditional healers recommend.

The Sport for the potency of

If you need to quickly potency to improve, come to the aid Kegel exercises. There are a number of physical exercises, the effect of which is to strengthen the pubococcygeus and other muscles of the urine – sexual of the diaphragm.

In men, the muscles in this location of the Penis are responsible for the control of ejaculation, the voltage. Thanks to you sexual intercourse more long, and erections.

A simple series of exercises improves the blood circulation in the vessels of the sex organs. In addition, regular exercise of the pubococcygeus muscle prevents the development of hemorrhoids, incontinence of urine and feces.

Gymnastics cone has no contraindications, it is age at all, without exception, men of any, especially since the execution is not of importance and is even unnoticed by others.

the Sport for the potency of

Before the beginning of the tension felt in the pubococcygeus muscle. To do this, place your Finger between the scrotum and Anus and push, as if to stop the stream of urine.

If that doesn't work, then try urinating the beam stop, not the gluteal muscles tensing. For the closure of the internal sphincter of the necessary muscle responds to us. If you have been involved with the localization of the pelvic floor muscles, you can to the exercises.

  1. exercise. If you consider the five, infinitely stretch the muscle, hold for a few seconds and gently relax. Before intercourse 2 calling for 10-15 times.
  2. exercise. You tighten the muscle and hold it in this state for as long as possible.

These exercises you can do during intercourse, if the man feels that soon ejaculation, you must have the voltage pubococcygeus muscle, as long as the feeling of imminent ejaculation will not happen.

Thanks to the simple exercises of the man preparing to be able to sex organs, intimacy, a better control over the movements of the Penis, ejaculation delay and prolonged Training experience multiple orgasms.

So quickly in tune with the love of Art and help the knee to bend legs. Squats can vary.

In the Position when the buttocks are at knee height, you start to smooth, similar to the oscillations of the pendulum, the movements of your pelvis and back.

Just as well warm up the area of the small pelvis "Bicycle" in the prone position.

Some of the recommended methods, the potency quickly without the big expense and side effects.